
Topographical Test for TFL Training Course


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Preparing for your Assessment
In order to participate in the assessment, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of how to operate a computer mouse, as the assessment is conducted in a computer-based format.

For more comprehensive information about the assessment, you can refer to the topographical assessment guidelines. These guidelines offer detailed instructions and further insights into the assessment process, helping you prepare effectively.

Who is it for?
The Topographical Test for TFL Training Course is designed for individuals or professionals who require a strong understanding of topographical maps and their application in the context of Transfer for Learning (TFL). The course is relevant for participants from various fields and industries.

A Guide to Plotting a Route
To offer guidance on route plotting during the assessment, we have created a brief instructional video. This video serves as a valuable resource to help you understand the proper method of plotting a route accurately and effectively within the assessment context.

Reasonable Adjustments

To ensure fair and consistent assessments, reasonable adjustments will be made for individuals who require them due to disabilities or specific conditions.

If you need adjustments to be made during your assessment due to a disability or condition, it is important to inform us when booking your assessment. Following your notification, you will receive an invitation to provide us with a brief outline of your condition and submit documented evidence from a relevant professional.

This documentation helps us understand your specific needs and enables us to make appropriate accommodations to ensure an equitable assessment process.

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